Accelerator Education

Mission of Accelerator Education at Fermilab: is to train students, yonger scientists and engineers to strengthen the field of particle accelerators and secure its sustainable future. There are several programs in support of that goal:
US Particle Accelerator School (US PAS)
The U.S. Particle Accelerator School is a national graduate program that provides graduate-level training and workforce development in the science of particle beams and their associated accelerator technologies that are not otherwise available to the scientific and engineering communities. Our courses are intensive learning experiences. They allow students to learn complicated and difficult material in a reasonably short time period. The USPAS also promotes the development and publication of textbooks in accelerator science and technology.
US PAS Director: Prof. William Barletta
Office Head: Susan Winchester
Lee Teng Undergraduate Internship
The Lee Teng Undergraduate Internship in Accelerator Science and Engineering has been established in 2008 jointly by Argonne National laboratory and Fermilab to attract undergraduate students into the exciting and challenging world of particle accelerator physics and technology. A dozen of highly qualified students are selected annually into this program to work under closely mentorship on summer projects at either ANL or FNAL. All students attend a two-week summer session of the U.S. Particle Accelerator School (USPAS) where they take the Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab for which undergraduate credit is available.
Program Chair: Dr. Peter Garbincius
Helen Edwards Summer Internship
The Helen Edwards internship program (formerly known as PARTI - the summer internship in Physics of Accelerators and Related Technology for International students) has been developed to familiarize international students with opportunities at the frontier of scientific research in physics and technology of particle accelerators. The program accepts undergraduate students from universities in Europe and the former Soviet Union majoring in Physics and Engineering to conduct research at Fermilab's facilities and under the guidance of Fermilab's experts during summer months. The Helen Edwards interns are exposed to the general summer physics lecture series, specialized accelerator physics lecture courses, and other programmatic activities that are focused to attract students to pursue a career in accelerator physics and technology.
Program Chair: Dr. Alexander Valishev
Article on the Helen Edwards Internship in FermiNews"Fermilab from Inside" by 2016 intern N.Afonkina (in Russian)
NIU-Fermilab Center of Excellence in Accelerator Science
The NIU Accelerator and Beam Physics faculty members comprise a premier university accelerator physics program in the U.S., leveraging and enhancing the major accelerator research facilities at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Faculty members collaborate with Fermilab, Argonne and with colleagues around the world in high-priority accelerator projects and accelerator-driven experiments in a variety of disciplines. The three center objectives, namely, (1) the advancement of accelerator research and development, (2) the advancement of detector research and development, and (3) the provision of educational opportunities in science and technology, all serve to broaden the research tradition established by the local national laboratories and to help ensure that Northern Illinois University remains an established center of research and education.
Program Chair: Prof. Swapan Chattopadhyay
Accelerator PhD Program
The Joint University - Fermilab Doctoral Program was established to encourage students to pursue a career in accelerator physics and technology by providing research opportunities using facilities and expertise available at Fermilab. The Ph.D. Program works in a joint agreement with universities, where Fermilab provides the research project and supervisors while the student maintains a relationship with their home institution's advisers who oversee the students progress toward the PhD degree from their university.
Program Chair: Dr. Robert Zwaska
Fermilab summer internships in accelerator science and technology provide unique opportunity for students to get involved in cutting edge beam physics research and to "get their hands dirty". These programs are very important as they bring young talent to the lab and to the field of accelerators in general.
Vladimir Shiltsev
The 2015 HEPAP Accelerator R&D Subpanel and the USPAS Subpanel reports emphasize the importance of development of the national accelerator workforce and the critical role of the US Particle Accelerator School, the university programs and faculty positions in accelerator science, as well as graduate student internships in training next generation of researchers and practitioners to advance DOE missions.
- Last modified
- 03/2/2017
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