Application to the Fermilab - University Joint PhD Program
Generally, students apply to start the Joint PhD Program after they have completed coursework and any required candidacy exams at their home institution. If accepted to the program, they remain enrolled at their home institution, which will ultimately grant their degree. They are, however, expected to spend the majority of their time at the lab.
Regardless of their own nationality, those students applying from US universities should submit the following:
- A letter of support from the PhD adviser at the home institution. This letter should include information about his or her position at the university and area of research.
- Proposed course of research and thesis topic. This should be written collaboratively between the student and adviser.
- Student's current CV.
- Proposed start date. This should be no less than three months after the application deadline.
- Proposed financial support. This should come from the local adviser. Note that graduate stipend, tuition, and fees, are generally paid to the university, and should include any applicable indirect charges. Other requests, such as equipment or conference travel, will be reimbursed directly by the lab and should be listed separately.
- While not strictly required, it is strongly advised that the application identify an adviser at Fermilab who has agreed to mentor the student. In this case, the Fermilab adviser should also submit a letter of support.
- The names of two people other than the local adviser to serve as professional references. If a Fermilab adviser has been identified, he or she may serve as one of these references.
The following variations apply to students applying from non-US universities:
- In most cases, students from non-US universities are paid directly as Guest Scientists. We regret that in some cases, we may not be unable to reimburse the cost of tuition at non-US universities.
- Be aware that start times can be delayed significantly longer for students who don't already hold a US student or work visa and vary greatly by home country. Please contact us to discuss a reasonable schedule with respect to application and start date.
The evaluation process may involve an interview, which will be arranged at Fermilab's expense if needed.